A calm AFTER the storm

Even the sunniest days can’t mask the problems still afoot; but hot damn has the weather been incredible. Almost as if by reflection of our current state however, Monday broke.

Other than pandemic and political malfeasance nationwide, LOCALLY, we’ve taken a hit. Monday morning, tempers peaked in the form of looting once more in Chicago. Cloudy details of yet another police shooting was the spark.* From my ventures around the city, Jewelry row (Downtown) and the Apple store (Uptown) were some of the many hit. Planks of wood, quickly reappeared in my neighborhood as the West brought in suffocating heat and humidity. Within a span of around 20 minutes, madness ensued with 100mph winds rocking our windows and shuttering the trees. As quickly as it began - it left - taking the oppressive mug and leaving one of the most magnificent sunsets.

After photographing, I stopped and stood on my roof for awhile, I needed it. There was a stillness in the air that filled up my lungs fuller than it had in a while. The weight of these current times can drag my shoulders and deter the trails in my mind. But in that one moment - that one second, the world didn’t feel so broken…

*I do not intend to go in depth into this shooting. Facts are still developing and biases can change the intention of details. If you would like to read a bit more, USA Today published an article yesterday covering this story. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/08/11/chicago-looting-police-arrest-man-attempted-murder-charges/3343649001/


Shot with Leica M9 / Zeiss 50 1.5