Japan - a little note

We made it to Japan. My dad now believes this place to be the closest thing to a “Utopia” he’s ever seen. I would have to agree. If I had to sum up my experience of Japan in one word, it would be RESPECT.


Respect for shared spaces -

  • You would be hard pressed to find a scrap of lingering trash anywhere.

  • Generally, the Japanese mannerisms I noticed leaned closer to soft and submissive versus aggressive and domineering (like many large US cities)

  • Subway rides are extremely quiet, no one disturbs the peace on the train

  • Without fail, everyone ALWAYS stood on the left side of the escalator to allow others in a rush to pass on the right

  • Everything is smaller. Cars, trucks, food portions, even our Air bnb seemed modest and space efficient.


Respect for graphic & interactive design

  • Every piece of government sanctioned signage was simple, delicately arranged, and beautiful.

  • Raised markers and carefully labeled pedestrian signs displayed where one should walk and bike respectively.

  • Every bathroom I used had heated seats, a bidet (which I grew to appreciate), and a sink built on top of the toilet using the water to fill the tank.


Respect for customers-

  • The service at every restaurant was beyond amazing, and no tips even if we tried.

(The food btw, as you may have heard was outstanding everywhere we went. Even the 7/11s!)

  • There were multiple experiences with shop owners lending a hand even if we were not patrons.

  • Whether it be a small sticker or large article of clothing, every single transaction was met with a smile, patience, and the item was carefully wrapped or taped before leaving.

  • Exchanging business cards, is a beautiful affair met with two hands grasping the card, a shallow bow, and the IMMEDIATE tuck into the wallet or purse.

That is my two cents on my experience with Japan, I feel an overwhelming appreciation and respect for this country and the culture that surrounds it.

Cheers -